Hawaii Parking Services

Exit Stations

Parking exit systems can provide a more convenient and efficient experience for customers, which can help to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

No CC Exit Station


Exit pay station is designed for multiple uses, typically at the unattended exits of a parking facility. The station accepts paid parking tickets, and confirms the patron has paid and exited within the programmed lag-time. This unit increases throughput by providing rapid exit from the facility and increases exit lanes with no added labor costs.


Exit Pay CC System


Exit Pay Credit Card Station accepts entry tickets and validation coupons, calculates parking fees, accepts and processes credit cards, and issues receipts. It interfaces with an on-line credit card host PC for fee calculation and credit card processing. This unit is extremely cost efficient because it reduces the need for cashiers, allowing for effective employee utilization.

Pay in Lane Exit Station


Pay-in-Lane Station was designed for flexibility and ease of use in any facility. The fully functional, touch screen controlled device is the perfect solution for 24/7 unattended operations. The Pay-in-Lane Station processes magnetic stripe entry tickets from the our Entry Station. Payment options include credit card, bills, coins, and/or bulk validation tickets. Mobile and barcode validations can also be processed through an optional barcode imager.